Year after year, careening is a must for almost every ship. Annual or permanent antifouling of the Coppercoat type, polishing of the gelcoat, cleaning of shafts, propellers and thrusters, replacement of anodes... are everyday subjects for the yachtsman but require genuine expertise to ensure you get the best advice.

Traditional antifouling
For a long time, we have been working in partnership with International and Soromap to best meet your needs based on your type of sailing, the duration of your stay on board your boat, your sailing area....
We are here to advise you on the type of antifouling you require, the number of coats, the best primer to use, the treatment of corrosion on the keel.... We can offer you a turnkey solution or supply the material.
On a new boat or when the number of accumulated antifouling coats requires a complete hull treatment, Coppercoat copper antifouling is a high-performance, durable and environmentally friendly solution. Our technicians have developed extensive expertise and manage the entire project, including the removal of the old antifouling and the epoxy primer coat prior to any application.
Hull polish
To maintain your gelcoat and give it back its shine, we offer a hull polish service using products from the 3M range. A protective wax will maintain the restored shine and protect your hull.

Deck washing and teak treatment
Every boat owner knows that a deck wash requires experience and that this experience is even more important if the boat is equipped with a teak deck. Choice of products, experienced staff... we are here to wash your boat and maintain it periodically in winter or for the big spring clean before the season starts.
A turnkey service, even if you are far away
Whether it's for the annual careening or for all the services offered by Global Nautic, we can offer you an all-inclusive service, including taking charge of your boat in a wet dock in your absence and returning it to the pontoon. Ideal if you are far from the boat and want to enjoy it as soon as you arrive.

Témoignages clients

Témoignage Yann T
Skipper du Swan 65 Cassiopéia, cela fait maintenant 6 ans que je fais appel à Global Nautic pour m’épauler dans la maintenance et les chantiers que j’entreprends sur Cassiopéia.Que ce soit pour l’électricité, l’électronique, la chaudronnerie, le gréement ou la menuiserie, il y a toujours quelqu’un pour m’aider dans mes choix ou pour prendre le relais de ce qui est au delà de mes compétences.
Yann T

Témoignage Stéphane D.
Globalement, expérience très positive. J’ai fait intervenir à plusieurs reprises l’équipe de GLOBAL NAUTIC SERVICES sur mon catamaran depuis un an. C’est une équipe de professionnels, compréhensive et à l’écoute de vos besoins. Et sans doute, sur la qualité du travail fait, la meilleure équipe que j’ai trouvée en 10 ans de nav.