Electronics & navigation aids
The advent of GPS and electronic cartography has boosted the development of yachting. AIS and beacons have improved our safety. Electronics are increasingly present in our boats and the boundaries are disappearing with electricity and energy management. Electrical systems are interfaced with navigation displays and electrical panels are replaced by digital displays and addressing.
Electronic instruments, cartography, radar, autopilot, wifi, satellite communication, on-board computer, max-sea, networks..., our electrician is trained in their implementation by the biggest brands: Raymarine, B&G, Simrad, Furuno, Icom, Garmin….

Our carpenter is never far away to work on incorporating the instruments into the chart table and our rigger will take care of the sensors and antennas at the masthead.
More than just pure technique, our philosophy is to start with the boater. What is your navigation programme, what is your navigational style, what would you like to achieve, what is your budget and, most importantly, what do you like and to what degree do you hope to master the complexity of these technological tools?
The right installation is one that is reliable, safe and under your control on a daily basis. Our experience will help you get a clearer overview of the various options and possible architectures.
Témoignages clients

Témoignage Yann T
Skipper du Swan 65 Cassiopéia, cela fait maintenant 6 ans que je fais appel à Global Nautic pour m’épauler dans la maintenance et les chantiers que j’entreprends sur Cassiopéia.Que ce soit pour l’électricité, l’électronique, la chaudronnerie, le gréement ou la menuiserie, il y a toujours quelqu’un pour m’aider dans mes choix ou pour prendre le relais de ce qui est au delà de mes compétences.
Yann T

Témoignage Stéphane D.
Globalement, expérience très positive. J’ai fait intervenir à plusieurs reprises l’équipe de GLOBAL NAUTIC SERVICES sur mon catamaran depuis un an. C’est une équipe de professionnels, compréhensive et à l’écoute de vos besoins. Et sans doute, sur la qualité du travail fait, la meilleure équipe que j’ai trouvée en 10 ans de nav.