The comfort of our boats is an important issue that has evolved a lot over recent years. Some equipment that was still considered a heresy by purists a few years ago is now widespread. The development of energy on board our boats has led to the development of certain equipment and the choice is vast. However, the thinking in this area must always be organised along two lines: reliability and ease of use.

The choice of equipment
The desire for comfort, the development of technology and progress in energy management have led to the use of new equipment: cold management, air conditioning, television, watermaker, heating, ....
Other equipment is at the crossroads of comfort and safety and is increasingly part of our daily lives: bow thrusters, electric winches, automatic pilots that perform well in heavy seas, etc
Our teams are available to advise you on the technical possibilities and the choice of equipment and brands based on your budget and sailing programme.
Every sailor knows that reliability is often the critical aspect of our boats and regularly spoils our holidays. In addition to the choice of technology, the quality of implementation is crucial and is often the cause of problems. This search for reliability must be present at all stages: study and design, electrical wiring, implementation in strict compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations... The specialisation of our technicians and the complementarity of their skills make all the difference.
Ease of use
In addition to the quality of the installation, ease of use is the second key element in ensuring your enjoyment. This ease of use depends on the hardware and the owner's ability and desire to handle advanced technology. Our advice will help you to see things more clearly and will bring real added value to your choices.

Témoignages clients

Témoignage Yann T
Skipper du Swan 65 Cassiopéia, cela fait maintenant 6 ans que je fais appel à Global Nautic pour m’épauler dans la maintenance et les chantiers que j’entreprends sur Cassiopéia.Que ce soit pour l’électricité, l’électronique, la chaudronnerie, le gréement ou la menuiserie, il y a toujours quelqu’un pour m’aider dans mes choix ou pour prendre le relais de ce qui est au delà de mes compétences.
Yann T

Témoignage Stéphane D.
Globalement, expérience très positive. J’ai fait intervenir à plusieurs reprises l’équipe de GLOBAL NAUTIC SERVICES sur mon catamaran depuis un an. C’est une équipe de professionnels, compréhensive et à l’écoute de vos besoins. Et sans doute, sur la qualité du travail fait, la meilleure équipe que j’ai trouvée en 10 ans de nav.